Masada – Masada – Gofstein Cave – Israel Masada – Masada – Gofstein Cave Travel Guide

The Maresha-Beit Guvrin Caves are located in the Beit Guvrin-Maresha National Park in Israel, also known as the “City beneath the City”. These are a series of man-made caves, carved out of the soft chalky limestone of the Judean Lowlands, situated in the historical cities of Maresha and Beit Guvrin.

The Maresha-Beit Guvrin Caves represent a microcosm of the Land of the Caves, witnessing over 2000 years of cave excavation and usage history from the Iron Age to the Byzantine period, showcasing a variety of underground construction methods. Initially, the caves were remnants of ancient quarries dating back to the 4th to 9th centuries AD. Due to the soft nature of the stones, unsuitable for building materials, they were only used for lime production, plaster, and gypsum. Later on, the caves were utilized for agriculture, craftsmanship, including ossuaries, stables, underground cisterns and troughs, baths, tombs, places of worship, and even as hiding places during turbulent times.

Caves of Maresha and Beit Guvrin in the Judean Lowlands as a Microcosm of the Land of the Caves

Reasons to visit: Added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014

Continent: Asia

Country: Israel

Region: Southern District


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